How to Distribute milk products with short selves life

When our ancestors started drifting around, it was necessary to bring some liquid on the journey and they were using a calabash or a Goat stomach  — and that is pretty much where we are today, with some minor modifications.

A few of the modifications to the packaging materials

  • Cartons
  • Bottles
  • Bags
  • Buckets
  • Cup

Without knowing more precisely what your production is, or shall be, it makes no sense to add pictures of a bunch of different filling machines, but we have been working with all of them, from manual to UHT fillers

cow, landscape, grass

Consume milk products

In the category Market or Consume Milk is a handful of milk products, meant to be used directly by consumers in a relatively short time after pasteurisation.

The products in this group can be, whole milk, skimmed milk, Standardised milk, whipping cream, buttermilk and many types of fermented milk and cream.

The Health authorities set the rules for which test samples should be taken and analyzed to make sure all pathogenic bacteria’s are killed during pasteurising, but the dairies have a great deal of freedom to compose their own recipe with regards to fat content and flavour’s they add to the product.

Remember!! The content in the packing must correspond to the declaration outside the packing.

More info about Consume milk

Contact us for a Budget price for your Consume milk line