A sink with Hot & Cold water should be available in all production areas, except Frost rooms
Make the drain systems of a quality that can handle aggressive detergents.
A cold store should have a drain or a slope towards the door. Still-standing puddles are home for developing termination and thereby asking for troubles
All surfaces must have a minimum of 20° slope. No storage of lumber should be possible on any surface.
No electric contacts lower than 1,5 meters from floor level
The Dairyman must-have utensils on a trolley or the wall; in general, the floor should be free for any items used in the production, including water hoses. Again this is to fight termination, the main enemy in Dairy processing
Use quick tests for cleaning control.
Quite often, in the beginning, after you have got some routine, it can be more randoms.
The Health Authority will also visit you frequently, and they are friendly people with whom you can get some advice and a ticket if they are not happy with you as a Food Producer.
Just like using a GPS, Mejeriet is the best place to ask for theoretical & practical Dairy experience. That makes it possible for a joint Dairy owner to manage all aspects of their production.